Schedule your Free 15 Minute Phone Consultation Today!

📞 We're here and ready to help... Please scroll down to find your therapist of interest and the appropriate links for filling out our screening form and scheduling your phone consultation..

📧 If you have any additional questions or concerns feel free to email us at [email protected]



📞Estamos aquí y listos para ayudarte... Desliza hacia abajo para encontrar al terapeuta de tu interés y los enlaces adecuados para completar nuestro formulario de evaluación y programar tu consulta telefónica.

📧 Si tienes preguntas o inquietudes adicionales, no dudes en enviarnos un correo a [email protected].



📞 Estamos aqui e prontos para ajudar... Role a página para baixo para encontrar o terapeuta do seu interesse e os links apropriados para preencher nosso formulário de triagem e agendar sua consulta telefônica..

📧 Se tiver alguma dúvida ou preocupação adicional, fique à vontade para nos enviar um e-mail para [email protected].

Therapist, CEO & Founder: Miqveh Steinhart, LICSW (she/her)

 This therapist is not currently taking new Clients

To be added to this therapist’s waitlist, please CLICK HERE and fill out the waitlist form.

Business Hours

  • Monday

    08:00pm – 08:00pm

    Appointments only

  • Tuesday - Friday

    08:00am – 08:00pm

    Appointments only

  • Saturday

    08:00am – 04:00pm

    Appointments only

  • Sunday
